Thursday, September 23, 2010

How could I not be encouraged by this day?

Showed one of the finished volumes to a gentleman this afternoon who was moved to say that he was inclined to pick up a bible and start reading it. Another person, who is in possession of one of the facsimiles of The Book of Ruth, got in touch with me to make a donation of the pens that I write with. How could I not be encouraged by this day? PP

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

About half-way through

Bible progress

Looking forward to the coming season of chilly temperatures as I prepare to complete the Book of Psalms and cozy up with the Book of Proverbs. I'm about half-way though copying the complete Bible, and I'm feeling a bit frisky. Let's see how much I can finish in this next year.

In the meantime, it might be fun to see... if anyone will be able to guess how far along I'll be (chapter and verse) come January 1st, 2011. Post your thoughts here. Just remember. I got an AARP card this year. PP

Note on the photo: The dark shading on the edges of the pages indicates the progress of the handwriting. The shading comes from handling those pages as they're being copied. This photo is from May 2010, closer to the beginning of the Book of Psalms.