Sunday, February 28, 2010

Show and tell

Show and tell
Phillip explained what it's like to hand write the bible attoday's
show and tell talk at First Congregational Church in Albany.
The talk was during the coffee hour after the service.
People asked great questions about the project,
some relating to what role HIV plays in the project
and others relating to the content of the bible.

Show and tell at First Congregational Church
 The program for the service had a beautiful description of the project:
"Art speaks to our religious and spiritual life as much as the spoken word. The artist, Phillip, has been living with AIDS for more than 20 years. He took on this project as a way to gain more insight into his life and to face his mortality; he describes it as 'The Serenity of Knowing.' Photographer Laura Glazer has followed Phillip's work since early 2009. Phillip has finished writing the first five books of Moses."

Special thanks to Reverend Tony Green, Perry Junjulas,
and the members of First Congregational Church.